Major Road Upgrades to Better Connect Meridian Residents | Meridian

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Major Road Upgrades to Better Connect Meridian Residents

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The City of Casey has announced the exciting news that several major roadway projects will be undertaken during 2022-2023. As our Meridian community continues to grow and take shape, these projects are set to significantly improve the connectivity and movements of our residents.

The City of Casey has committed to three major roadway development projects, including Hardys Road, Tuckers Road and Bells Road.

The Hardys Road works will see an upgrade of the road between Berwick-Cranbourne Road and Zagros Street. These works are anticipated to be completed by the end of 2022.

Works along Tuckers Road, a key north-south arterial, will see major upgrades to Tuckers Road and Heather Grove, including the implementation of a new intersection at Azzam Street as well as sealing and drainage along the roadside.

The introduction of Bells Road, a new north-south arterial from the O’Shea Road and Monash Freeway Beaconsfield interchange, is also set to have an incredibly positive impact on life at Meridian.

The creation of this arterial will create significantly better flow on the Berwick-Cranbourne Road as well as Clyde Five Ways Road. These works are anticipated to be completed by mid 2023.

The primary intention of these works is to create a safer, more efficient and reliable journey for local residents.

To keep up to date with the latest news from the Meridian Community, keep an eye on our news page here.

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